Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Level 2 Again

After a further week at Covid Level 4 with takeaways, aka Level 3, we are now back to alert Level 2. Of course, they’ve changed the rules (again) so this is the Delta variant of level 2. It involves more compulsory mask-wearing (with no-one to compel you, obvs), and restrictions on the number of people who can be in the same place, reduced to 50 from 100 last time. How long these restrictions will remain in place remains to be seen, but at least we can go out now and start to do some normal things. Today, I went to the dentist and got a haircut (not at the same time). Nicola has got some Driving Miss Daisy work so she is also able to do that. 

Other things that are starting up will be volunteering at Zealandia, from next week onwards; training the new volunteers, which is still to be arranged; my photography course (so I’d better get on and finish (start) my homework); and, hopefully, pub quiz in an actual pub again. Toastmasters have decided that at level 2 they’re still doing virtual meetings via Zoom…I’m not quite sure why, but I’m sure they have their reasons.

Auckland, of course, is still in hard lockdown Level 4, whilst they deal with the 800+ cases of the outbreak there. How long that remains the case is still anyone’s guess. The next review of levels is on Monday 13th September, but I’m not optimistic that anything will change then.

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