Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Tongue Twister

We were in town today so decided to try a burger from Olive on Cuba Street. They’re a reliable cafĂ©-style eatery, with a menu that is usually quite vegetarian-heavy, but they’ve decided to go big on the meat burger this year with The Tongue Twister.

It’s described on the Burger Wellington page like this: Beef patty with tongue bacon, battered pickle, green peppercorn BBQ sauce, smoked cheddar, lettuce and mayonnaise in an Arobake horopito brioche bun, with prawn and soy crackers and seaweed salt. The Garage Project beer match is Pickle beer. This has the misfortune to be a sour beer, a style I’m not keen on, so I picked a Parrotdog Pandemonium instead. Also, as there are no chips with this burger, I ordered some.

It looks like this:

The first thing that happened was the lid and burger slid off the base as the waiter put it on the table. Clearly unstable, I thought, as I reassembled the burger, and proceeded to attack it with knife and fork instead.

The key feature of this burger is the tongue bacon, and there were two generous slices of this topping the patty. Other than that, the other elements of the burger were all present. Personally I’d have left out the lettuce, or at least shredded it to make it a bit more manageable, but that’s just my preference. The bread-to-burger ratio was more to the bread side, and I left half of the top uneaten. The prawn crackers seemed to be a bit of an afterthought, and didn’t really complement the burger in any way, so I’m not sure why they were there. Just serve your burgers with chips, people! (Unless you’re deliberately doing an Asian-style bao burger or something.) The patty itself was flavourful and well cooked, and overall I thought this was a good burger. I scored it an 8/10.

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