Monday, January 27, 2020

A Quick Recap

“Where have you been?” I hear you cry! Yes, it’s been a while since I last blogged, and I’ve been busy leading tours at Zealandia. Late December and early January are peak season for cruise ships in New Zealand, and it seems there’s been one in most days over the last month or so. Added to that, many of the guides are away themselves over Christmas and New Year, so the burden falls heavily on those that remain in Wellington and are available for work. This includes not just cruise tours but the regular daily tours offered by Zealandia, known as Zealandia By Day (to distinguish it from Zealandia By Night), or, in the jargon, ZBD.

In amongst the busy-ness, however, we’ve still found time to go out and have fun…although maybe not enough time to blog about it. Still, I know you hang on my every word, so here’s our Graham with a quick recap:

Uma Lava: A play about three island folk who all end up in the same place. And yes, it’s not The Good Place. Very amusing, as it is slowly revealed why each one is there…and they’ve all been bad. Their hell is to stay in the same room with each other, for all eternity. There’s a big reveal when the cardboard box – the elephant in the room – is lifted, to reveal what lies beneath. Also starring Paul Mclaughlin, better known to most kiwis as Dave from the FMG adverts, as the Devil.

A Traveller’s Guide To Turkish Dogs: This probably warrants a full blog post, which I’ll get around to when I’m back home (“Why? Where are you?” “Aha! All will be revealed soon!”) but is basically a story about a guy (kiwi, of course) who travels to Turkey. And there’s a dog.

More soon.

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