Friday, May 10, 2024

The Golden Ass

Circa Theatre’s 2024 programme is in full swing, and this month’s lead production is The Golden Ass. Once again, Nicola was ushing, so I got a ticket and went along.

The Golden Ass is an adaptation of Lucius Apuleius’ novel of the same name (in Latin, obvs – Asinus Aureus), which has the distinction of being the only ancient Roman novel to survive in its entirety. Adapted by, and starring, Michael Hurst, it is a one-man show that plays fast and loose with the original text, but takes us on the same journey. There are modern references throughout, and some of the names of the places, and the characters he interacts with, have been changed for comic effect.

Without giving too much away, Lucius, a recently graduated philosopher, is seeking his fortune. He plans to write a book. He is researching magic for the book at his uncle’s house when a spell goes wrong, and he is transformed into a donkey. Most of the rest of the play is about his adventures and misadventures as an ass. It’s all jolly good fun, involving jokes about the size of his donkey parts, amongst others.

In a change to our usual practice, we’d booked dinner for afterwards, as the show was a short one – 80 minutes without interval – so was over before 8 o’clock. We headed down to Capitol, as we haven’t been there for ages, and haven’t had a decent meal out for a while either. Oysters followed by venison…what more could you ask for?

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