Thursday, February 3, 2022

Border Announcement

The New Zealand government are relaxing the rules around Managed Isolation/Quarantine (MIQ) for New Zealanders. This is effectively re-opening the borders of New Zealand. This will be done in a phased approach, with New Zealanders in Australia able to return home from February 27th, and from other countries from March 13, without the need to enter MIQ, but self-isolating at home.


This is the news we’ve been waiting for, as our trip to the Northern hemisphere is dependent on being able to get back to New Zealand afterwards. It involves self-isolating on return, and taking and submitting RAT results on day 0 and day 5. The self-isolation period by then should only be one week, or may (optimistic scenario) have been abandoned altogether – the isolation period will remain under review.

OK, time to start some serious planning now…