New Zealand’s Covid-19 vaccination rollout is picking up pace, with those over 30 now eligible to book a jab. I booked mine when the over-50’s age group first opened up, what seems like an age ago before the latest Level 4 lockdown. Was it really only 9th August that I booked it? And did we really only go to Level 4 on 18th? It would appear so. Since then, the government have been boasting about record numbers of people being vaccinated at new drive-through centres. It would be interesting to know how many of those are people who’ve already booked, though.
Our little local centre is at a church hall in Miramar, so
there was a bit more of a wait between booking and jab. Nevertheless, it rolled
around today, and I duly turned up 10 minutes early, got checked in, checked
and vaccinated with no fuss, no mess (and, fortunately, no piping hot casserole). After the jab, I was told to sit for 15 minutes to make sure I didn’t
go into anaphylactic shock, and after that time was up, was happily sent on my
way. I popped into New World on the way back to pick up some fresh veg, and now
I’m back home.
Next appointment is in three weeks’ time.
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