Monday, October 14, 2024

Cascades Female Factory

Today was a more relaxed day. Our first appointment was a mere six minutes’ drive away, so we took our time in the morning before driving to Cascades Female Factory.

This is not, as you might think, a factory where women are made. No, it’s just a polite world for prison. Women and girls as young as 10 were deported to Van Diemen’s Land, as Tasmania was then known, in their thousands, and nearly half of them arrived at Cascades.

Our guide, Matthew, gave us the history of the place, the reasons why it was built there (cost, unsurprisingly), and the conditions under which the women lived, which were atrocious. It was not a happy tale. He detailed the class system that operated in the prison, the gang that ran the show inside, called the “flash mob”, and the ways in which women could escape. There were two: serve your time (a minimum of 7 years if you were deported), or get married. Some of the First Class prisoners were allowed to leave the prison daily, and work for an outside employer, often as servants (except they weren’t paid…what’s the word for that?). These were known as “assignments” and were meant to rehabilitate the women and enable them to learn a “trade” – servanting. It was also an opportunity to find a husband. Once married, however, the original sentence still had to be served – the husband effectively became the gaoler.

Matthew also detailed the building of the blocks – five were built in total, and the reasons for each one. When the prison finally closed, the building were sold off, and the government tried to eradicate all evidence of their existence to remove the “convict stain”. Whilst these days having convict forebears is celebrated by Aussies, at the end of the 19th and beginning of 20th centuries it was still considered shameful and no-one wanted to be reminded of the past.

It wasn’t until the end of the last century that anyone started to take an interest in the history of the prisons, and raised money to buy up what was the last remains of Cascades. These are now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and focus specifically  on the plight of women in the penal system. 

Well, that was cheery.

We headed round the corner to another thing that Cascade is known for – its brewery, which has been there since 1830. We had lunch at the brew pub of a platter of cheese and meats, washed down with their beer of the month, a hazy XPA.   

Our next mission was to get to the top of Mount Wellington, the peak that overlooks Hobart. We drove up to the top and got out of the car – it was absolutely perishing! Temperatures at the top are typically 10°C lower than in the city, and there was also a freezing wind adding to the chill factor. We looked around, admired the view, read the information plaques, then hurried back down to warmer climes below.

Back at sea level, we took a brief shimmy around the Maritime Museum, which has stories and models of ships and other nautical paraphernalia which are relevant to Hobart, including a model of the SS Lake Illawarra, which crashed into the Tasman Bridge over the Derwent River that bisects the city, bringing down a section and cutting the city in half. All very interesting.

We decided to go for Greek for dinner, heading up Murray Street to Urban Greek, where we had their signature banquet with all the favourites, all very tasty.


Port Arthur

Our first full day in Tasmania, and we had entry to Port Arthur Historic Site booked. It’s a 90 minute drive south, almost to the very tip of the bottom of the island – in fact, as we discovered, the bottom of the island is a peninsula joined to the mainland by a causeway and bridge at Eaglehawk Neck. We got away early and made good time – better than Sattie’s original prediction – largely because it was a Sunday morning, I suspect.

We arrived in time to join the 11:00 harbour cruise, and boarded the boat. The pilot took us out to Point Puer, and gave us a running commentary on what we were seeing whilst also filling in the history of the place. Port Arthur was the original penal site in Tasmania established in 1830, and was used as a secondary prison site for convicts from Australia who had reoffended after transportation, either in prison or after release. The prisoners were obliged to work and many learned their trades there – woodworking and shipbuilding being the two main activities. The staff and military at the penal station lived a life of relative luxury, and as we walked around we visited some of the houses and quarters of the senior staff, as well as the buildings that once housed the convicts. The ships built there – mostly whalers and longships – were much in demand as they could be supplied almost at cost, undercutting the other boat builders of their time. It also contained some examples of Australian wildlife – notably herons, egrets, fairy wrens and green rosellas. After looking around the first part of the estate we went back to the café for lunch…but what they had to offer looked fairly unappetising, with a bland sandwich selection or meat pies. We decided to forgo lunch and instead, after a quick rest and a beverage, continued on through the grounds to complete all the major buildings, including the church, insane asylum and Separate Prison.

Artistic rendition of a boat

Flour mill, converted to convict cells

The guard tower. 

Study at the Commandant's house

Commandant's kitchen

Commandant's house

(what's left of) the church

Wildlife. I have no egrets

As we drove down we’d spotted a few things that looked interesting to stop off at on the drive back. The first of these was the Tasmanian Devil “Unzoo”, a wildlife park where animals and birds can roam free instead of being in cages. What a novel concept! We’d missed the beginning of the tour but soon caught up with the guide, at the point where she tried to entice a white-bellied sea eagle to join us by putting fish out on a perch. Unfortunately, the area is also frequented by herons and black-backed gulls, and they came in and swiped the lot before the eagle could show up.

We then backtracked to the kangaroo area, where they had native Tasmanian forester kangaroos – a subspecies of the grey kangaroo found on the mainland, but smaller. We also spotted what we think was a pademelon, a relative of the wallaby, but I don’t think my pictures came out. We were given some food to offer the roos and told that we’d have to approach and offer the food, they wouldn’t come and get it themselves. Lazy buggers! Even then, they seemed happier eating spilled food off the ground rather than that being proffered in the hand.

Tasmanian devils

Reluctant feeders

We then went to the farm area where a somewhat tame Tasmanian devil was hanging out, as it was his feeding time. Our guide talked about devils and their habits, including face tumour disease, a cancer that is unfortunately contagious, and as TDs bite each other about the face a lot, it has had serious implications for their survival. A new treatment has been developed, however, and is currently being trialled – off the back of the research done for the Covid-19 vaccine. The TDs at Unzoo and the rest of the Tasman peninsula are the only population that are uninfected, and the bridge that crosses to the peninsula at Eaglehawk Neck incorporates a grid, similar to a cattle grid, that the TDs won’t cross. There’s also a fence that extends out to sea, even though TDs don’t swim. So the population should remain safe whilst the rest of Tasmania finds ways to cure the disease.

Our next stop was bird feeding time – first, some honey water for the nectar-feeding birds: a yellow wattlebird was first to arrive, and hogged the feeder, chasing away smaller birds such as New Holland honeyeaters, which tried to get in on the action; much like tūī, korimako and hihi behaviour in New Zealand. Our guide then invited us to hold out some seeds for the green rosellas, which had already made their presence known, and they had no shame in hopping onto arms, feet, heads and hands to feed off the seeds. They’re clearly well-fed, as they have their favourite seeds and pick these out from the handful proffered and ignore the healthy seeds, moving on to the next source to cherry-pick the best.

Time was getting away from us. There wasn’t a café at Unzoo, and as we’d skipped lunch we picked up a couple of biscuits to stave off the pangs until dinnertime, then headed back up Arthur Highway to our next destination.

Another thing we’d spotted on our way down was a sign pointing to Blowhole, Tasman Arch and Devil’s Kitchen. We turned off the highway and drove to each of these locations. The Blowhole was a bit disappointing as it only really works in rough seas when the wind is in the right direction, neither of which applied today. We watched waves crashing against the cliffs at Fossil Bay, then went to Tasman Arch, which is splendid. We declined the walk to Devil’s Kitchen as it was 20 minutes walk each way, which would have delayed us too much getting home.

Sattie, who’d been very upset with us for deviating from her course, took us back to Hobart without incident, and we rested awhile before venturing out to dinner, this time at Suzie Luck’s, a Pan-Asian eatery offering all the usual suspects. We had kingfish sashimi, chicken and coriander dumplings, and pork pad thai, followed by coconut cream with forest fruit sorbet. Very nice it was too.

Today was action-packed. Tomorrow, we have it slightly easier, as our tour is only six minutes from the hotel. We’ll explore further at our leisure.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

What A Palaver

“Go to Tasmania!” They said. You’ll love it!” So we booked a trip, and set out.

Our first flight was to Sydney, at 6.05 in the morning. We rose well before the lark, and a pre-booked Uber took us to the airport for 3:00, the suggested time for international flights. Wellington Airport is open at 3:00am, but there’s no-one there. Once we’d checked in, we couldn’t drop our bags at the bag drop, nor could we get a hot beverage. At 4:00am, things started to move and we could finally begin getting under way. We made our way through Security and tried our luck at the Air New Zealand lounge, but because we were flying Qantas (for reasons), we couldn’t get in, even though we had vouchers on our phones. Bah! Unfortunately, there’s not much in Wellington’s International departure lounge, just a Subway and a Mojo, so we made do with tea and coffee and crosswords. We could’ve had an extra hour in bed, though.

Our flight had already been delayed, but at around 6:00 a security guard informed us that there’d been a “security incident” and everyone would need to go through security again. What? Yes, two planeloads of people, who’d all gone through security at a leisurely pace because there weren’t any other people around, suddenly had to do a rush hour scenario. What the “event” was, was never divulged, but I suspect one of the security staff fell asleep when they were meant to be watching the x-ray machine, or something daft like that.

By the time all this had gone through, we were over an hour late getting into the air. This, of course, meant that we hit Sydney at peak time, and were circling over the sea for another 40 minutes before we could land. We’d missed our connecting flight to Hobart. The captain had advised people on our flight (and others) to check the Qantas app, and, yes, once we were reconnected to airport wi-fi we confirmed that our flight was rearranged. But what’s that feint writing at the bottom? “This flight is operated by JetStar”. Yes, they’d booked us onto another flight, but they’d downgraded us to ShitStar in the process. Fortunately that flight managed to take off and land on time (unusual for them), and we picked up our hire car, and found our way to Hadley’s Orient Hotel in the heart of Hobart.

Hadley’s is a Victorian era hotel that’s been around since, like forever. The décor reflects this and it has a lot of period features. The restaurant menu looks good as well, but unfortunately I’d already booked Rockwall for tonight, and the hotel restaurant is closed on Sunday and Monday, i.e. the remainder of our stay here. We’ll just have to find somewhere else to amuse us for the next two nights.

Rockwall is about a 10 minute walk from our hotel, although we took longer as we checked out the area around the waterside. There are a lot of bars and restaurants there so we'll explore further. Rockwall seems to be among the better of them, and we had calamari, Bruny Bay oysters, stuffed chicken and a filet mignon, by which time we were too stuffed to go for puddings. As our internal clocks were still two hours ahead of local time we headed back for an early night. 




Friday, October 11, 2024

And The Lochburns

Nicola was on ushering duty at Circa Theatre again last night, so I bought a ticket to go and see the show as well. It was an early start at 6:30pm, as it’s a two hour show, and Wellingtonians of our vintage (who frankly make up most of the audience) like to be tucked up in bed by 9 o’clock.

Dinner first, naturally. Mr Go’s and their sister restaurants Kisa and Ombra have been running a promotion throughout the winter whereby if you dine at one and spend over a certain amount, you get a $25 voucher for your next visit. We had one of these that needed to be used up, so along we went to Mr. Go’s. To be honest, we’d probably have gone there anyway.

They’ve changed their regional menu to Shanghai (it was Hong Kong last time we went) but the Typhoon Prawns have now made it onto the main menu so we had some of those, along with Korean wings, dumplings and a Shanghainese mushroom and bok choi dish. All very tasty as ever.

And The Lochburns is a play by William Duignan, Wellingtonian and all-round theatre guy. The cast includes Circa stalwarts such as Simon Leary, Peter Hambleton, Hannah Kelly, and Jthan Morgan. It’s set in the home of Gus, or Sir Angus Lochburn, celebrated musician, and now losing his mind to Alzheimer’s. His son Jason has been taking care of him with his partner, but the time has now come for Gus to be moved to residential care, and Jason’s two sisters arrive to help clear the house. And that’s where the trouble starts, as old rivalries, perceived slights and behaviours resurface between the three siblings and Jason’s partner, Sam.

Interspersed between the present-day sniping, the story of their parents also gradually unfolds – often being played out at the same time as the children are arguing, and music plays a strong part of the proceedings. At one point there’s a full-on song and dance routine of Tom Dick or Harry, and we learn about the older Lochburns’ musical career and partnership. Margaret, Gus’ wife, has died several years earlier, but appears sometimes as a ghost to the demented Gus, and in flashbacks as herself whilst alive. Go and see this whilst you can.


Romesh Ranganathan

British comedian Romesh Ranganathan’s “Hustle” currently touring New Zealand. He’s familiar to us from various games shows on the telly, Taskmaster, hosting The Weakest Link, as well as his own specials on Netflix. Why not go along?

The show didn’t start until 8:00pm, so we had time for a leisurely dinner beforehand. We decided to try the current hot spot for dining in Wellington, the newly-opened Bouillon Bel Air. From the name, you can probably deduce that there’s a French theme to this place, and you’d not be wrong. A bouillon is a type of French restaurant that became popular in the late 19th – early 20th century in Paris, selling inexpensive but hearty meals for the workers in the city. In modern Wellington, this means no mains over $30.

We’d booked early, and it was a good job we did so as the place was absolutely heaving by 7:00pm. Possibly as a result of people dining before going to the same show as us? Anyway, the service was leisurely, probably due to this, but even so it wasn’t glacial, and allowed us to eat at a reasonable pace. I had snails and bouillabaisse, Nicola had the terrine and fish du jour (made with real du jours). Classic French food. It’s not haute cuisine, but then, it’s not trying to be. And what with the cozzie livs, reasonably priced.

We walked along Tory Street to the Opera House, and waited for Romesh. Normally there’s nothing going on before the show, but he’s brought along a mate, who enlivened the crowd by testing their knowledge of old-school hip-hop, practising cheers etc.

Then Romesh came on. I’m not going to repeat all his jokes, but tell you that he is extremely funny, and comes up with such gems as telling an employee at Disneyland about Chessington World of Adventures. “Gee that sounds amazing!” replied the employee. “Wait until they find out it’s Chessington Village of Disappointment”. He discusses the difficulties of modern life, with anecdotes from his days at KFC and his teaching career – where he locked a kid in a cupboard once – and how to communicate using animal noises. It was all great fun, and I’d recommend his show to everyone.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

All About The Heat

Our final foray into Burger Wellington was to local brewery and bar, Double Vision Brewery. We went there last year and had a very nice coffee-infused burger, and this is, regrettably, the first time we’ve been back since. We really must go there more often! It’s a great little bar, and the beer is first-rate.

We went on a busy Sunday lunch but managed to find a table, and ordered two of their All About The Heat burgers. It’s described on the WOAP website like this:

Bacon and cheese stuffed wagyu beef patty with bacon jam, smoked cheese, pickles, lettuce and a housemade BBQ sauce (with your choice of spiciness) in a Shelly Bay Baker bun, with chips and housemade tomato sauce

It looks like this:

The Garage Project beer match is Tiny XPA, a non-alcoholic beer. Sod that for a game of soldiers, thought I, and went for one of DVB’s brews, the Big Hop Redemption.

The deal with this burger is that you can select the heat of the house-made barbecue sauce in the burger, and we both selected medium. In retrospect, we should probably have gone for hot, as I didn’t detect any spiciness. That aside, this is a tasty burger, as it should be with wagyu beef. The patty was generous, as was the slice of cheese, nice bacon jam; and it was pickupable, so I ate it in the traditional way. The chips were crispy and tasty, as was the house-made tomato sauce. This is one of the best burgers I’ve had in the competition, only beaten by Café Polo’s effort which was done with just a little more presentation. But I’m going to rate it the same, 9/10. Why not a 10? I’ve only given out 10s to absolutely remarkable burgers over the past years, and the gold standard is one I ate at Boulcott Street Bistro way back in 2012.

That wraps up our official burger shenanigans for this year. I say official, as some venues will continue to serve their burgers after the close of the competition, and of course the ultimate winner does so as well, so I may get the opportunity to try one or two more.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fromage & Fortune

We were at Mr. Go’s before going to see Lizzie, and I decided to try their burger. Mr. Go’s have won the Burger Wellington competition in the past so I thought they would have an interesting burger.

Their entry is called Fromage & Fortune, and is described on the WOAP website like this:

Xi'an style braised pork belly, pickled green chilli, peanuts and Kingsmeade Ngawi brie in a Cube Bakery rou jia mo bun

It looks like this: 

The Garage Project beer match is Red Dog, which is specifically brewed as a burger accompaniment, and is a tasty drop.

How was it? The pork was spicy and very tender, and atop the pork was the brie, which had been squashed and cooked. The bun was a bit different as well, the rou jia mo being a Chinese hamburger bun that’s crispy on the outside but soft in the middle. It wasn’t very big and there were no fries or other accompaniments. I wasn’t wholly convinced by this burger. It was OK, there was nothing wrong with it, but nothing really stood out. I gave it a rating of 6/10.