So, I got this new camera, like...
Up till now, I've been taking pictures using the automatic settings on the camera. But it's got all these other fancy-schmancy settings and button and wheels and levers and whatnot, and I don't know what they're for and how they work. So I booked myself onto a photography course, and learnt all about F stops and ISO and shutter speeds and what-have-you.
Of course, I promptly forgot the lot, but fortunately there's a website where I can remind myself of what it all was. Anyway, the upshot of all this is that I now use my camera on the M (for "manual") setting, and adjust the other settings myself according to the conditions. So goes the we went out and took it for a first test run. It was a cloudy day, so not the ideal bright sunshine which has probably been the cause of my good photography so far. We went up to Zealandia once again, and photographed some of the bird life there:
Fantails are notoriously hard to photograph |
Pied cormorant |
There are problems trying to photograph from the gloomy ground up towards the sky...
A white-eye |
The kakas do stay still enough to get some good shots...
A kaka |
I got loads of out-of-focus pictures of bellbirds and saddlebacks, but these two seem to have come out quite well:
A bellbird |
A takahe - one of two resident at Zealandia. Beautiful plumage! |
A black cormorant |
A grumpy cormorant |
So I shall continue to work on using the different settings and hopefully get better at predicting what to use for different light conditions.